Data Storage & Warehousing

Data storage now means store your data in electronic format.  By using electronic format you can store very large amount of data without any degradation of physical quality (if you store them in papers or films).  This very large amount of data must be arranged like a well-managed warehouse where everything is secure, reliable, easy to retrieve and easy to manage.  The concept of data warehousing itself originated in 1988 with the work of IBM researchers Barry Devlin and Paul Murphy.  The need to warehouse data evolved as computer systems became more complex and handled increasing amounts of data.

Data warehouse is built to help business to perform data exploration and data mining, looking for patterns of information that will help them improve their businesses. A good data warehousing system can also make it easier for different departments with different requirements within a company to access each other’s data.  For example, a data warehouse might allow a company’s CEO to easily assess the sales team’s data and help him to make decisions about how to improve sales or streamline the department.  While the sales team using the same data with different arrangement to help them drill down the detail required to plan their sales tactics.

Effective data storage and management are also what make things like making travel reservations and using automated teller machines possible.

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