Payment switch is a server that creates digital representations of conventional financial instruments, and forwards authentic payment orders on these instruments to their corresponding conventional financial networks and institutions. When someone pays their bill or their purchase online, the payment switch would manage the processing and forwarding of that particular bill payment agent or merchant.
For those who just want to benefit from payment switch functions they can use our payment switch to handle their needs. This is a feasible solution if you want to start small, don’t want to be burdened by operating your own payment switch or just want to go right into the market. Our payment switch is connected to Bank Syariah Mandiri and all banks within ATM Bersama and ATM Prima networks.
1PAY FROM ATM Add Deposit
Before you can use Jakpay services, you must register yourself into the system and make deposit. You can add your deposit through bank’s electronic channels such as internet banking, mobile banking and ATM. Any amount of deposit is accepted, but don’t make it too small that make you incomfortable, time-consuming and increase your cost or too big that large part of your money is stayed idle. Although you can take back your money but there is cost imposed by the bank to do the transfer.Customers are not confined to certain banks only. As long as customer’s bank is connected to either Prima or Bersama Network, the customer can do the transaction.
3SHOP AROUND Normal Transactions
One of its main benefit for merchant to utilise Jakpay is automatic customer’s payment acknowledgment. Merchants do not require to do those time-consuming manual identity and payment checking. Everything is done automatically and accurately.For Jakpay member it is also convenient. If you have sufficient deposit, you can shop around the web conveniently and securely. You don’t have to reveal your account detail information everywhere, you just have to enter your registered email and password then we will make the payment to your shopping site. We will deduct your deposit according to your shopping bills.
3PAY FROM ATM Delayed Transactions
If your merchant allow it, you can stil shop with empty deposit. Your merchant will issue transaction ID that you can use to pay the transaction real-time using ATM. The procedure is the same, the only difference is instead of entering you Jakpay user ID you have to enter the transaction ID issued by the merchant.Another unique feature of Jakpay is for merchant to get paid electronically even by non-Jakpay member. However this feature is executable only through ATM. A merchant utilise this feature will have to generate unique transaction ID for every purchase that is ordered by customer. Then customer must pay the transaction using the generated transaction ID at the ATM.
Make Payment using Jakpay
Don’t Spread Your Financial Details
No matter how secure, it’s always better to keep it off. Just like the best protection for network attack you could get is take off that network cable or even uplug the power cord completely. But I believe we must not go to that extreme but still get highly acceptable security. You only share your financial details to us while you can do online payment everywhere without exposing yourselves. We act as the middleman for your electronic payment obligations, you deposit fund to us then we’ll take care each of your bill.
Online Payment without Credit Card
You think it is required to have credit card to pay something online? No, after you get an account with us. You can use your existing bank account. With our system, your merchant does not require you to send copy of money transfer form anymore just to prove that you have paid. Without Jakpay, your merchant cannot give you instant approval of your purchase because your merchant cannot get automatic authorization of your payment. Your merchant must check your payment manually based on your copy of transfer form you send to them.